
G.G. Maeda

Born in 2001 and in Saga, Japan. Japanese. ”冥” had a great impact on him, so he began to write music and making movie at 16 years old. *1

He consistently makes dark and grim artwork. That's because he was inspired by many gloomy works. 

Such as

  • 偸盗(chuto) - a novel of Ryunosuke Akutagawa
  • The metamorphosis -  a novel of Franz Kafka
  • Seven - an American movie
  • Cartagra - a Japanese game *2

Especially "Cartagra" has had a huge influence on him. He was very impressed its cold and gloomy atmosphere and beauty of insanity. They clearly appeared his first BMS "瑞雪".

His challenging spirit is unstoppable. After 第15回 自称無名BMS作家が物申す!*3, he started to study contemporary classical music. "豁サ縺ォ縺溘¥縺ェ縺" which is published at G2R2018*4 is the first music to introduce its element, and it gain a certain popularity, so is "THE GAP".

He completely established his strange style of music at that time, and it remains unique even today. No one expects what his next work is like. 

MAG.GADE. is the anagram of G.G. Maeda. MAG means Manga, Anime and Game which he likes. GADE is a Danish name "Gade" which means street. His will that he wants to make the street of "MAG" here is embedded in the name of MAG.GADE.

1. 冥(mei) is a song of Beatmania IIDX which is a game of KONAMI. He watched the movie that KONAMI's official professional gamer "DOLCE." is playing it.
2. It is an adult game. But he was underage, so played PS2 version. Its rating is CERO D which is equal to ESRB T.
3. The BMS event for unknown BMS creators. ”瑞雪” was published in this event.
4. The annual and biggest BMS event of BOF or BOFU series.


(以下日本語訳/Japanese Translation)

2001年、佐賀で生まれる。KONAMIの音楽ゲームであるBeatmania IIDXに収録されている「冥」に強い衝撃を受け、16歳から創作活動を始める。


・偸盗 / 芥川龍之介の小説

・変身 / フランツ・カフカの小説

・セブン / デヴィッド・フィンチャー監督の映画

・カルタグラ / Innocent GreyのPCゲーム


2018年には実験的な音楽の要素を取り入れようと試みており、無名作家向けのBMSイベント「第15回 自称無名BMS作家が物申す!」の後、現代音楽について学び始めた。同年夏に行われたG2R2018では現代音楽「豁サ縺ォ縺溘¥縺ェ縺」とミニマルミュージックの要素を取り入れた「THE GAP」を発表し、共に一定の評価を得た。


サイト名のMAG. GADE.はG.G. Maedaのアナグラムで、MAGは漫画、アニメ、ゲームの頭文字の略であり、GADEはデンマーク語の人名で「道」を意味する単語である。いつか自身がそういったコンテンツの集まる中心になりたい、という思いが名前に込められている。

Setz Maeda

Born in Japan. Contemporary classical musician. 

At 2017, they makes song to introduce elements of EDM. They won't be bound by any stereotypes of existing contemporary music. Their style which harmonize it with EDM is odd and has an unique dark atmosphere.

Recently, they studies 3DCG. Their passion to make artworks knows no boundaries.  


(以下日本語訳/Japanese Translation)


